Curry Health Foundation Gives its One MILLIONTH Dollar

Curry Health Foundation doesn’t shout its own praises, nor actively seek attention so you may never have heard of them but they pack a big wallop for health in Curry County.  At our 2022 grant awards ceremony last week, total giving for health and welfare exceeded $1,000,000, a milestone that had been postponed by the pandemic but never neglected.  “We are so grateful to our donors, sponsors, and volunteers who have supported us over the years and made one million in giving possible,” says Board President Jane Doroff. 

This year’s grantees included the Curry County Aquatic Safety program.  Manager Luke Martinez told how our grant from 2020 provided funds for the rescue board that was recently used to save a man whose boat had capsized.  Also included was Curry Health Network; Alicia Kelly, Acute Care Manager at Curry General Hospital spoke of the suffering of her patients and how the funds for a bladder scanner will alleviate so much of that by allowing earlier and less painful diagnosis. Lena Hawthorne of Coast Community health described the need for equipment as they set up medical centers at the Brookings Harbor and Central Curry School Districts to meet the needs of children and families who have little or no health care.  The Chetco Activity center serves mostly seniors who cannot open the broken doors but who will be able to access them again soon, thanks to their grant this year.

 “Our board is passionate about improving health in this rural community.  They work tirelessly all year to bring in donations that support positive health outcomes in Curry,” says Janet Hoffman, Executive Director.  “Even as the board has evolved over the years, ex-board members who continuously work with us and their dedication to this foundation have made all the difference in the world.” With a part-time director, less than 20 hours per week, the overhead costs are low so the money raised goes towards grant giving.

The High On Health fundraiser in 2023 is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th.  Mark your calendar to watch the horses run the Kentucky Derby, enjoy games and entertainment, and participate in the silent and live auctions.  All proceeds go to grants for health.

CHF is always looking for donations.  Health challenges change but never go away.  Future challenges include finding more funds to expand and improve mental health services and supports for an aging population, plus whatever other challenges pop up in this ever-changing world.

For more information or to get involved, contact us!

 1MSignSteveAndLuke  Brook HarborEducationFound Steve

Brookings Harbor Education Foundation

 ChetcoActivityCenter Steve

Chetco Activity Center


Curry Health Network’s Laura Peterson & Alicia Kelly

 OPhirRFPD Steve

Ophir Rural Fire Protection District

 CurryCoSearchRescue Steve2

Curry County Search & Rescue

 CoastCommHealth Steve

Coast Community Health

 CurryCoAquaticSafety Steve

Curry County Aquatic Safety

 SoCoastTogether SteveSouth Coast Together